Take Home Assignment 3: 15th Oct 10am to 29th Oct 10am. For Problem B, you will need to implement and make use of an AVL tree to solve it. Your lab TAs will check that you have done that before giving you the marks


Compiler settings

We use javac 21.0.4 to compile your program with the following command:

$ javac -encoding UTF-8 -sourcepath {path} -cp {path}/* -d {path} {files}

  • {files} is a space-separated list of all files.

Runtime settings

We use java 21.0.4 to run your program with the following command:

$ java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -XX:+UseSerialGC -Xss64m -Xms{memlim}m -Xmx{memlim}m -cp {path}:{path}/* {mainclass}

  • {mainclass} is the class containing your main function.
  • {memlim} is the actual memory limit for the problem you are submitting to.

File Extensions

Files with any of the following file extensions will be used: .java

Additional information

Additional language-specific advice and information for many languages is available in the knowledge base