Problem F
Judging Moose

The point system works like this: If the number of tines on the left side and the right side match, the moose is said to have the even sum of the number of points. So, “an even $6$-point moose”, would have three tines on each side. If the moose has a different number of tines on the left and right side, the moose is said to have twice the highest number of tines, but it is odd. So “an odd $10$-point moose” would have $5$ tines on one side, and $4$ or less tines on the other side.
Can you figure out how many points a moose has, given the number of tines on the left and right side?
The input contains a single line with two integers $\ell $ and $r$, where $0 \le \ell \le 20$ is the number of tines on the left, and $0 \le r \le 20$ is the number of tines on the right.
Output a single line describing the moose. For even pointed moose, output “Even $x$” where $x$ is the points of the moose. For odd pointed moose, output “Odd $x$” where $x$ is the points of the moose. If the moose has no tines, output “Not a moose”
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
2 3 |
Odd 6 |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
3 3 |
Even 6 |
Sample Input 3 | Sample Output 3 |
0 0 |
Not a moose |