
Problem B
Racing Game

A certain game company famous for its PR stunts have just announced a new arcade racing game concept. Honestly, it is just like a standard racing game: players compete to finish each race in the fastest time, and they are ranked on a scoreboard based on their time. However, there is a twist: the company may sometimes increase or decrease all of the time records they have. "It is to motivate new players to try our game", they said.

As a game developer for that company, you are ordered to take care of the scoreboard system. Formally, you need to handle three types of operations:

  • Put a new time record $X$ into the scoreboard.

  • Add $Y$ to all existing time records on the scoreboard. Note that this might make some time records to be negative.

  • Find the $Z$-th fastest time record on the scoreboard. Due to performance concerns, $Z$ is at most $10$.

Now, you have to run your program on $Q$ successive operations your colleague has prepared to test your program.


The first line contains one integer $Q$ ($1 \le Q \le 200\; 000$), denoting the number of operations.

The next $Q$ lines will be in the form of one of the following:

  • $1\; X$ ($0 \le X \le 100\; 000\; 000$), meaning we have to put an integer $X$ to the scoreboard.

  • $2\; Y$ ($-10\; 000 \le Y \le 10\; 000$), meaning we have to add an integer $Y$ to all existing time records.

  • $3\; Z$ ($1 \le Z \le 10$), meaning we have to output the $Z$-th fastest time record on the scoreboard. It is guaranteed that there are at least $Z$ time records on the scoreboard.


For each "$3\; Z$" operation, output the $Z$-th fastest time record in the scoreboard.


  1. ($12$ Points): $Q \leq 2\, 000$, and $Z = 1$ for each "$3\; Z$" operation.

  2. ($13$ Points): $Q \leq 2\, 000$.

  3. ($17$ Points): There is no "$2\; Y$" operation, and $Z = 1$ for each "$3\; Z$" operation.

  4. ($18$ Points): There is no "$2\; Y$" operation.

  5. ($15$ Points): $Z = 1$ for each "$3\; Z$" operation.

  6. ($25$ Points): No additional constraints.


In the first sample, below is what happened on each operation:

  1. We put $11$ to the scoreboard. Hence, the scoreboard now contains $[11]$.

  2. We have to output the $1$st fastest time record, which is $11$.

  3. We add $29$ to all time records. Thus, the scoreboard becomes $[40]$.

  4. We have to output the $1$st fastest time record, which is $40$.

  5. We put $97$ to the scoreboard. Hence, the scoreboard now contains $[40, 97]$.

  6. We have to output the $2$nd fastest time record, which is $97$.

  7. We put $0$ to the scoreboard. Hence, the scoreboard now contains $[40, 97, 0]$.

  8. We add $-10$ to all time records. Thus, the scoreboard becomes $[30, 87, -10]$.

  9. We have to output the $2$nd fastest time record, which is $30$.


The I/O files are large. Please use fast I/O methods.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
1 11
3 1
2 29
3 1
1 97
3 2
1 0
2 -10
3 2
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
1 1
2 -101
1 50
1 0
2 32
1 32
2 -1
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4

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