
Problem C
Construction Worker

SoCCat the Construction Worker is a very diligent cat. Currently, SoCCat is planning to build the tallest tower in all of cat history!

To build the tallest tower, SoCCat needs a lot of cat dollars. SoCCat plans to make money by taking on construction jobs optimally.

There are $n$ companies that periodically offer construction jobs every $T$ cat days. Company $i$ offers a construction job at the beginning of day $x_ i + k \cdot T$ (for all integers $k \geq 0$), and it will take SoCCat $l_ i$ cat days to complete the job. Note that SoCCat can only take on one job at a time, and it might take SoCCat longer than $T$ cat days to complete the job.

The construction sector is very competitive, so SoCCat can only take on a job on the day it is offered (otherwise, another cat will take the job). SoCCat will begin working on it immediately, so if they took a job on day $t$, they will complete the job at the end of day $t + l_ i - 1$. After they completed the job, SoCCat will receive $p_ i$ million cat dollars. SoCCat can take another job starting from day $t + l_ i$.

Currently, it is day $0$. SoCCat wonders $q$ possible scenarios: what is the maximum amount of cat dollars SoCCat could get before day $z_ j$?


The first line of input contains two integers $T$ and $n$, denoting the number of cat days between each construction job offered by a company and the number of construction companies ($1 \leq T \leq 20\, 000$; $1 \leq n \leq 100\, 000$).

The next $n$ lines each contain three integers $x_ i$, $l_ i$, and $p_ i$, denoting the day (modulo $T$) the $i$-th company offers a construction job, the number of cat days SoCCat needs to complete the job, and the number of cat dollars (in millions) SoCCat will receive after completing the job ($0 \leq x_ i < T$; $1 \leq l_ i \leq 10^{11}$; $1 \leq p_ i \leq 5$).

The next line contains an integer $q$, denoting the number of scenarios ($1 \leq q \leq 20\, 000$). The next $q$ lines each contain an integer $z_ j$, denoting the day SoCCat wonders in scenario $j$ ($1 \leq z_ j \leq 10^{11}$).


Output $q$ lines. The $j$-th line should contain the maximum amount of cat dollars (in millions) SoCCat could get before day $z_ j$.


In the sample test case, the $1$-st company offers construction jobs at the start of day $0, 10, 20, \ldots $; if taken, the job will finish by the end of day $4, 14, 24, \ldots $ respectively. The $2$-nd company offers construction jobs at the start of day $3, 13, 23, \ldots $; if taken, the job will finish by the end of day $18, 28, 38, \ldots $ respectively.

In the first and second scenarios, it’s possible to take the $1$-st company’s construction job once to get $1$ million cat dollars, but it’s not possible to take any other one. In the third scenario, it’s possible to take the $1$-st company’s construction jobs twice to get $2$ million cat dollars.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
10 2
0 5 1
3 16 4

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