Problem B
The King of Life, the Universe and Everything is nearing the end of his reign. He has started planning for his eventual demise by getting a bunch of kids, hoping one of them will take over after him.
The king has a huge fortune of $P$ suns (the currency of the Universe). He wants to evenly split the fortune among all his kids. However, he also loves the number $42$. So much, in fact, that he wants the number of kids to consist only of the digits $2$ and $4$.
Of course, this will put some constraints on the number of kids he gets. Given $P$, determine all amounts of kids the king can get and be able to split his fortune evenly between them in this manner.
The first and only line contains the integer $P$ ($1 \le P \le 10^{18}$).
Output all the number of kids the king can get in ascending order, one per line.
Explanation of sample 1
In the first example, if the king gets $2$ kids, each of them gets $357$ suns. If he instead gets $42$ kids, each of them gets $17$ suns. There is no other amount of kids he could get.
Sample Input 1 | Sample Output 1 |
714 |
2 42 |
Sample Input 2 | Sample Output 2 |
424242424242424242 |
2 42 222 424242 222222222 424242424242424242 |