
Problem C

Languages en sv

Boschua is not very good at cybersecurity. Last month, he turned off the firewall because it wouldn’t let him download cat pictures. Unfortunately, this led to him getting a virus. The virus did something very strange: it added a bunch of letters to all the filenames.

For example, it might have changed the filename katt.png to kattegatto.ping. The virus can add letters but can never remove letters.

Now he is searching for a file named $F$, but he has many files on his computer. Can you write a program that reads the filename $F$ and the name of a file $H$ on his computer, and determines if $F$ could have been transformed into $H$ by the virus? That is, is it possible that the virus took the filename $F$ and added letters such that the file is now named $H$?


The first line of input contains the string $F$, and the second line contains the string $H$.

Let $|F|$ be the number of characters in $F$, and similarly for $|H|$. Then, it holds that $1 \le |F| \le |H| \le 32$.

Both $F$ and $H$ contain only the letters a-z and the period. It is guaranteed that $F$ contains exactly one period. The virus can add periods and letters from a-z.


Print “Ja” if $H$ could be the file Boschua is looking for, otherwise print “Nej”.


Your solution will be tested on a set of test groups, each worth a number of points. Each test group contains a set of test cases. To get the points for a test group you need to solve all test cases in the test group.






Each character (and period) appears at most once in each string.



$|H| = |F|+1$



$|H| = |F|+2$



No additional constraints.

Explanation of Samples

In sample 1, the virus could have made the following transformation to convert $F$ into $H$: katt.png $\Rightarrow $ kattegatto.ping.

In sample 2, the virus could have made the following transformation to convert $F$ into $H$: antivirus.exe $\Rightarrow $ aaantivisiiruis.egxe.

In sample 3, $F$ and $H$ differ at png and pgn. Since the virus cannot change the order of letters, it could not have transformed $F$ into $H$.

Sample Input 1 Sample Output 1
Sample Input 2 Sample Output 2
Sample Input 3 Sample Output 3

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