Competitive Programming – CS3233/CS3233_S2_AY2324
- Kattis Set 00 - Competitive Programming Preview (Ended)
- Smallest Calculated Value
- Rule N
- Warring Scoring
- Liquid Assets
- Guillaume
- Working From Home
- ICPC Record Matching
- Kattis Set 01 - Ad Hoc (Ended)
- Fastest Available Route
- Framvindustika
- Math Worksheet
- Majór Skýrsla
- Ekki minn forseti
- Demerit Points
- Fight to Survive
- Kattis Set 02 - Data Structures and Libraries (Ended)
- Convoy
- Supply Routes
- Association of Cats and Magical Lights
- Tax the Rich
- Blooper Game
- Bar Shelf
- Can of Worms
- Kattis Set 03 - Complete Search and easier BSTA+Other (Ended)
- Kattis Set 04 - CS2040/C/S++ Basic Graph Review (Ended)
- Delft Distance
- Gym Leader's Territory
- Mountain Village
- Hogwarts
- Moving to Nuremberg
- Bowser's Pipes
- Hopscotch 500
- Kattis Set 05 - Dynamic Programming (Ended)
- Kattis Set 06 - Easier Mathematics (Ended)
- Midterm Team Contest (04 Mar 2024, 5.15-9.45pm SGT) (Ended)
- A+B or A-B?
- Busy Roads
- Cursed Cactus Challenge
- Déjà vu
- Endangered Safari Zone
- False Sanctum
- Galactic Sabotage
- Hero Leveling
- Interval Scheduling
- Joining Points
- Key Item Recovery
- Large Differences
- Kattis Set 07 - Greedy and Network Flow (Ended)
- Abandoned Animal
- Pulverizing Pancake
- Bridge
- Avoiding the Apocalypse
- Jupiter Orbiter
- Kaguya Wa Saketakunai
- Escape Routes
- Midterm Upsolve (05 Mar-15 Apr) (Ended)
- A+B or A-B?
- Busy Roads
- Cursed Cactus Challenge
- Déjà vu
- Endangered Safari Zone
- False Sanctum
- Galactic Sabotage
- Hero Leveling
- Interval Scheduling
- Joining Points
- Key Item Recovery
- Large Differences
- Kattis Set 08 - Graph Matching and Miscellaneous 1 (Ended)
- Kattis Set 09 - NP-hard Problems and harder BSTA+Other (Ended)
- Book Circle
- Longest path in a DAG
- Shopping
- Enemy Division
- Heating Up
- Fair Bandwidth Sharing
- Fancy Antiques
- Kattis Set 10 - Harder Mathematics (Ended)
- Timing
- Most Difficult
- Factor-Free Tree
- The Embarrassed Cryptographer
- Divisor Counts
- A Vicious Pikeman (Hard)
- Absurdistan Roads II
- Kattis Set 11 - String Processing (Ended)
- Same Digits (Hard)
- Morse Code Palindromes
- Office Number
- Buzzwords
- Burrows-Wheeler
- Longest Common Substring
- Auto Completion
- Kattis Set 12 - Computational Geometry and Miscellaneous 2 (Ended)
- Pie
- Nested Shapes
- Circular Caramel Cookie
- Asteroid Avoidance
- The Biggest Triangle
- Maximum Number of Colinear Points
- Criss-Cross
- Final Team Contest (15 April 2024, 5.05-10.05pm SGT) (Ended)
Hua Jun | Teaching Assistant |
Yeung Man Tsung | Teaching Assistant |